Sunday, April 11, 2010

Volcán Irazú

I hopped on board the 8:00 am bus this morning for a quick day-trip up to the crater at Parque Nacional Volcán Irazú. This is what I found when I arrived.

I'm not quite sure what to call the weather. It was too wet for fog, too soft for rain and too hard for mist. Whatever it was, it was cold, damp and obscuring my view of the crater. However, it created kind of a surreal environment when combined with the volcanic soot on the ground and the 40 degree temperatures (F); it was like taking a bus from San José to another planet.

I did not let the "fog" ruin my trip, though: I managed both to finish my souvenir shopping at the gift store and to snap a photo of a wild coati, a kind of tropical opposum/racoon/lemur hybrid beast.

Pura vida,

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