Monday, January 18, 2010

Who's the Bosque?

This week's adventure was a trip to the bosque nuboso, or cloud rainforest, at Monteverde. After a five-hour drive from the city, we arrived at our hotel at sunset and immediately took pictures. The hotel, about a mile above sea level, looked out over the surrounding mountains and offered a view of the Pacific Ocean, about 20 miles away (it's the slightly brighter sliver just above the mountains on the left side of the pic).

Friday night was spent chilling at the hotel bar until about ten; the next morning our adventures would begin early. I awoke at 6:00 am to go on a rainforest canopy tour. By zip-line. The longest line was about 600 meters long, and was suspended 80 meters above a creek bed between two giant hills. Needless to say, it was epic.

That afternoon, we visited local museums about bats and frogs. The next morning was equally epic. We hiked through the rainforest. Unfortunately, we didn't see any animals in the forest though we had found both a tree snake and a sloth at the hotel.

All in all, an awesome trip. You can find more pictures of the rainforest on my Facebook page, but maybe not because I think I broke Facebook. Or at least its photo application. Next weekend I'm off to a volcano, so expect more photos then.

Pura vida,


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