Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Election Season

Yesterday, I was literally less than one foot away from a Presidential candidate. While a friend and I looked on, stunned like a pair of smitten schoolgirls at a Jonas Brothers concert, Otto Guevara (the libertarian candidate currently polling in 2nd place) worked the crowds on the Avenida Central in San José. As he approached us, I stood still, debating whether to extend my hand to him or not, and quickly running through a list of awkward Spanish greetings in my head. Most likely realizing that we were not potential voters, Otto veered off to our left, instead greeting two girls standing next to us.

My friend later described Otto as placing one hand on each of the girls' cheeks, almost blessing them as if he were the Messiah, come back to Earth to judge the quick and the dead and to privatize Costa Rica's national industries.

Election Day is Sunday. More importantly, Election Night is Sunday night. I've been told the entire nation gets drunk in the street. Wish me luck.

Pura vida,

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